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Accepting inquiries for cofounder, early stage, and strategic consulting opportunities remote and in Boston, MA.
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Inhabit Community Platform

The platform that connects local residents, businesses and municipalities to cultivate a city that’s better together.
Stacey Meeker of Inhabit approached me with an opportunity to build a responsive web application aimed at enhancing community engagement. Perimeter is an interactive platform where community members could easily connect, share ideas, and participate in local initiatives. My role encompassed a comprehensive range of responsibilities, starting with the design phase, where I collaborated with the Inhabit team to create a user-friendly interface that would be both visually appealing and highly functional across various devices. This involved a meticulous process of wireframing, prototyping, and user testing to ensure that the design met the needs of the community while maintaining a seamless user experience.

In addition to design, I provided advisory services to guide the strategic direction of the project, ensuring that the application aligned with Inhabit's goals and the community's needs. This included conducting Q&A sessions with stakeholders to gather feedback and address any concerns or suggestions they had. Throughout the development process, I managed the technical team, overseeing the implementation of features and functionalities while maintaining a strong focus on quality and performance. My involvement ensured that the project stayed on track, met its deadlines, and ultimately delivered a robust platform that effectively fostered community engagement.
Responsive Web Application
Design / Brand / Development

Frequently asked questions

How does pricing work?

Pricing options are flexible in order to adjust to client needs.  Depending on project scope and time required (short term v. long term) I am able to offer both deliverable based or hourly rates. All work is scoped previous to pricing estimates and tracked during execution to ensure full transparency.

What is your ideal client to work with?

While I am happy to work with all business sizes, from startups to enterprise, my most successful projects are driven by collaborate engagements with creatively-driven leadership looking to delve deep into their business differentiation, customer needs, and unique value. Out of this work comes deliverables that not only express a brands true benefits, but also build true, powerful relationships with customers.

Why work with you over other designers?

My differentiation lies in my ability to truly understand a business, their needs, their customer needs, and then output deliverables with incredible speed and  quality. The combination of full-service branding, UI and web design, and marketing strategy creates a unique opportunity for brands to hire a single partner to complete a multitude of essential tasks. I have over 12 years of experience building brands, designing innovative applications, and marketing their value to millions of consumers.

Do you work with other designers?


Working with designers is always a joy. I'm happy to lead design teams or slot in as an individual contributor for a project. With experience in components and design systems I can immediately work within your current setup to execute on tasks needed.

Are you willing to travel on site?


I love to connect with clients in person, where a face-to-face engagement benefits the project. Creating an authentic connection with the business and leadership is essential to success. As a note, all travel costs/hotel accommodations must be covered by the client.

How quickly can you start?

Right away - today even.

Depending on current client load and existing commitments, I am able to start work in hours rather than days or weeks. As a small agency, flexibility to client needs is paramount. Once scope of work, pricing, and contracts are completed, I get started immediately to execute on the timeline needed for your business.

Can you work on existing platforms?

Yes - not a problem.

Not every project is building something new from the ground up. Sometimes a business needs a refresh or just needs another set of hands to continue executing on an existing project or platform. No matter the situation you're in, I can help you execute and meet your goals.

Is Willionaire your real name?

I wish!

It was given to me by a close friend 15+ years ago. It's defined as, "A person whose value is estimated not by their net worth but by their character, persistence, and passion for excellence."

Accepting inquiries for cofounder, early stage, and strategic consulting opportunities remote and in Boston, MA.

Looking for design magic? Let's talk about it.